Nursing is a high-pressure job that requires a lot. Running around and caring for patients can be exhausting both mentally and physically for nurses. As an experienced medical staffing agency, Abbella Medical Staffing knows how to keep medical professionals healthy and working at their best. We strive to match travel nurses with amazing facilities across the east coast, working our hardest to ensure that all our nurses and partnered hospitals find the people and places that are just right for them. To help address nurse burnout, the team at Abbella Medical Staffing has devised a few tips and tricks to address nurse burnout and to help keep our nurses happy and healthy. Apply now and start working toward a promising career in medicine today.
Daily movement and exercise have been shown to increase mental and physical health. Find a way to get up and move every day to keep yourself feeling your best. Whether you get up and stretch while on staff at the hospital or office, or you hit the gym after work, movement can have a positive impact on your health and emotional processing.
Being mindful of where you are, how you’re feeling, and what you’re doing is always beneficial to your health. Meditation and mindfulness are great ways to fight against nursing burnout because they help you center yourself so you can understand what is going on both internally and externally. What’s more, mediation is as simple as taking a quick walk or closing your eyes and just breathing for a minute. Whatever way you do it, it can help relieve stress and prevent you from burning out too soon.
Adequate sleep is essential for your physical and mental health. Sleep helps your memory, your mental processes, and helps your body heal. Nurses often sacrifice sleep as a means of keeping up with a highly demanding job, not knowing that it could be contributing to their burnout. Take time each night to unplug and unwind so you can have the most restful sleep possible.
Healthy, clean-burning foods give us more sustainable energy to keep us going throughout the day. By eliminating processed and sugary foods, you can see an increased level of energy and a decrease in stress that can contribute to burnout. Eat healthily and stay hydrated so you can come off of long shifts with more energy and fewer feelings of exhaustion.
As one can see, there are many simple ways to prevent nursing burnout. By focusing on both your mental and physical health, you can keep yourself going during long shifts at the hospital and for the rest of your everyday life. At Abbella Medical Staffing, our priority is to support you anyway we can. If you are looking for adventure, we offer travel nurse positions in multiple areas of the medical profession. Contact us today to start your nursing career with a great experience and exciting opportunities.
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